
Project contribution to the Sustainable Development

This biogas project has the goal of dissemination of biogas technology to improve socioeconomic condition of the rural people and reduce GHG emissions. In addition, the project is also contributing to the improvement of living standard of the rural people. Brief advantages of the project are given below:

(i) Environmental wellbeing:

• Utilizing biogas as an energy resource contributes to clean environment.

• Transformation of organic wastes in to high quality enriched bio-manure/fertilizer.

• Improvement of hygienic conditions through reduction of pathogens by utilizing the animal and other organic wastes in the bio digesters.

• Contribution to the global environment improvement by reducing deforestation and improving biodiversity.

• It will also lead to improvement in soil condition by providing high quality manure.

(ii) Social-Economic wellbeing:

• This project is providing employment opportunities for the local people during construction and maintenance of the biogas plants.

• It would lead to improve the economic level of the local community.

• It is also reducing cooking time, thus providing women to take up other activities.

• It is increase overall health situation by reducing smoke and soot in the kitchen, thus eliminating health hazards from indoor air pollution.

(iii) Technology wellbeing:

• Better and field tested biogas plants, mainly the most popular India fixed model approved by the Ministry of New and Renewable Sources (MNRE) thus improving biogas yield.